Outcomes in Higher Education
A New Accreditor Focused on
Economic Mobility

The Postsecondary Commission is an accreditor for outcomes-focused institutions.
The Postsecondary Commission (PSC) is working to become a federally recognized accreditor of higher education institutions that produce strong economic outcomes for their students. PSC is a nonprofit and is led by a fully independent Board of Commissioners.

PSC accredits institutions willing to be measured and held accountable for the economic outcomes of their students.
PSC-accredited institutions will be accountable for, and transparent about, their student outcomes, especially the wage gains that students in their programs receive. The characteristics of institutions that PSC will accredit are described further here.

Accreditation standards, policies, and procedures define PSC’s model.
As required by US Department of Education (ED) regulations, PSC is partnering with institutions to apply its accreditation model over the next several years, before submitting to ED its application for recognition. PSC will request federal recognition as an institutional accreditor with Title IV gatekeeping authority.