EdUp with Dr. Joe Sallustio

Stig joins Joe Sallustio on this #EdUp podcast episode to impress how urgent it is to bring true innovation to higher ed.
I’m not interested in inviting in the profit motive [to higher ed], but I am interested in 5 new community colleges and 50 after that and 5 new colleges in the 4year space…
If I ran an accreditor, I’d be merciless with new nonprofit college startups. I’d say look – you only get access to TitleIV financial aid money if you produce high graduation rates and earnings outcomes and if you are transparent with students and families about how you conduct yourself…
I personally know a roomful of extraordinarily clever educators and social entrepreneurs who have ideas about new designs that they would launch….but they look up the accreditor mountain and they give up…
Listen to the full interview here. And thanks to both Joe and Elvin Freytes for this opportunity.